Date: November 6, 2021

Hello Parents,

We are looking for a few volunteers for the drumline contest on Nov. 6.  We need 2 truck drivers, 4 equipment movers, and a bus chaperone.  The contest is in Lewisville.  There is a possibility that the equipment movers could hitch a ride on the bus, but I am still working out the details.  I am attaching the itinerary for your viewing.  If you can help and want to spend the day with awesome people, please sign up!

Contact Christi McInnis for details.  Lewisville Drumline Contest Itinerary – Saturday, November 6th – Google Docs


Sign up below...

Truck Drivers#1: Scotty Hargrave
#2: Freddy Martinez
Equipment Movers#1: Dorte Schroeder
#2: Reshelia Brown
#3: Reshelia Brown
#4: Matt Edwards
Bus Chaperone#1: Christi McInnis